The Relationship Between Sports and Mass Media

Sports are deeply connected to people’s identities and the culture of nations. They are important in the formation of collective identity, as well as the invention of traditions. Moreover, sports are inherently dramatic. People from all walks of life can easily understand and be emotionally involved in the discourses that are promoted in sporting events. For example, sports can help define the role of players, coaches, and fans in society. And they can also serve as a bridge between national identity and sports.

The relationship between sports and mass media has evolved over time. Through new technologies and growing market shares, mass media outlets have been able to reach a broader audience. At the same time, sports began to draw an ever-growing number of paying spectators. Therefore, commercial mass media increasingly viewed sports coverage as low-cost, valuable content and an ideal vehicle for capturing audiences for advertisers. Moreover, public and state media began to recognize sporting events as opportunities to strengthen national culture and patriotism.

Although there is no one specific date when sports began, it’s a safe assumption that sports emerged as a form of physical play for children. From there, they evolved into autotelic competitions for adults. Prehistoric art depicts hunters, who pursue their prey with joyful abandon. Hunting was once a means to an end, but eventually it became an end in itself for ancient civilizations.