The History of Sports


Sports are competitive events in which participants compete against each other to achieve a common goal. Typically, sport is governed by rules and customs to ensure fair competition. The definition of a sport differs from one culture to another.

In the ancient Greek and Roman societies, sport served as a form of worship. They organized games in honour of the gods, which were held in different countries. These games included different forms of religious dedication to Zeus.

In the early years, sports consisted of physical contests. However, they were largely abandoned as a pastime and replaced by organized games. Eventually, the Puritans banished the traditional pastimes.

As time went by, sport grew in popularity. Some forms of sport were banned during the Middle Ages, as they reflected the religious beliefs of the times. But during the Renaissance, a shift occurred. New games were invented according to specifications.

After World War II, basketball became a global sport. It was based on a perceived need for indoor games during the harsh New England winters.

Various forms of athletics became popular after the first track and field meet in 1864. Gymnastics and track and field were deemed excellent physical feats.

The word sport originated from the Old French word desporter, which meant to play. This was later adopted in the English language.

The word measure was originally defined as a sense of proportion. In the late 17th century, quantitative measurements began to play a role in sports.