The History of Sports


Sports have a long history and continue to play an important role in society. They help to develop physical skills, a sense of teamwork, and self-esteem in children. Children also learn to cooperate with others, to listen to others, and to be less selfish.

Throughout the centuries, sports have been used as a form of national identity politics. For instance, during the Cold War, when Soviet bloc countries were out-competing Western nations, the defeat of the Soviet Union was seen as a vindication of national identity.

In the West, sports have been largely marketed as signs of distinction and power. In the East, they have been viewed as sources of pleasure. However, these modern sports are bound into complex and interdependent chains of power.

In the late 19th century, organized games began to replace traditional pastimes. These organized games, led by the Marylebone Cricket Club, led to the new concept of rationalized competition.

In the 20th century, sports continued to underwent social diffusion. During the early 1900s, sports festivals were grand occasions for nationalistic fervor. The sports played in the Olympics were a means to solidify national identities.

Since the rise of the Industrial Revolution, scientific developments have sustained the development of sport. This is evident in the invention of golf and tennis. Aesthetic elements have survived in some sports, such as ballet.

In the late 1800s, German and Scandinavian developments led to the creation of gymnastic exercise systems. These were adopted by school systems in Britain, Japan, and the United States.