The Difference Between Games and Sports


While not all forms of physical activity are games, many of them are. Equestrian sports involve intense physical exertion, while cheerleading and dancing are considered pastimes. Many of these activities, however, have evolved into competitive games. These games require a high level of skill, dexterity, and brainpower, and the winning team is typically determined by the overall performance. Here are the main differences between games and sports. Then, decide for yourself if a sport is for you.

Throughout history, the concept of sport has evolved over the centuries. It has evolved from a simple pursuit of fitness that was meant to promote health and fitness to a culture that values sport as a means of achieving a competitive edge. The aesthetic element of sports remains, but the focus in modern competitions is on quantitative achievement. The shift from Renaissance to modern sports is evident in the word measure. Once connoting a sense of proportion and balance, measure has now come to mean numerical values.

Young girls benefit from sports for various reasons. First, it promotes social and self-esteem. Girls typically have lower self-esteem than boys. Many believe their bodies only serve a purpose when they are attractive to boys. Secondly, sports allow young girls to develop healthy body image, as sports participation improves self-esteem. The Women’s Sports Foundation has studied statistics regarding the health and wellbeing of young girls involved in school athletics. Girls who participate in athletics in their school are 92 percent less likely to use illicit drugs, 80 percent less likely to get pregnant, and three times more likely to finish college.